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The OptCom group welcomes three new member:

During a meeting in Nov. 2nd, the three new members have given the following presentations about their research topics:

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Prof. Roberto Gaudino, Scientific Coordinator of the FABULOUS EU project, was invited to participate to an open workshop organized by FSAN (the Full Service Access Network (FSAN) Group is a forum for the world’s leading telecommunications services providers, independent test labs, and equipment suppliers to work towards a common goal of truly broadband fibre access networks.

Tags: FSAN / fabulous / EU / PON / FDMA-PON
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The OptCom group has carried out a thorough investigation of the so-called “symbol rate optimization” (SRO) strategy, which improves system performance by mitigating the impact of fiber non-linearity. The investigation was pushed to C-Band and showed that even in fully-loaded WDM systems SRO is quite effective. In fact, its effectiveness tends to grow with WDM bandwidth.

Tags: ecoc / ecoc2015 / sro / egn model
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The OptCom group has carried out a ground-breaking experiment of ultra-long haul transmission, proving the effectiveness of the so-called “symbol rate optimization” (SRO) strategy to improve system  performance. 19 PM-QPSK channels at 128 Gb/s were sent over a link with 110 km span length and EDFA-only amplification. The fiber was PSCF, provided by SEC (Sumitomo Electric Industries). A system reach of over 14,200 km was obtained, with a 12.5% reach gain obtained through SRO, vs. conventional single-carrier transmission. SRO was implemented by subdividing each channel into subcarriers.

Tags: ecoc / ecoc2015 / egn model / sro
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Hundreds of people has visited the PhotonLab booth during the 10th researchers' night held in Turin during the last Friday. The booth called "Occhio al Fotone" allowed kids and adults to play with light so as to learn some of the "superpowers" of light. Kids of all ages played with plastic optical fibers trying to transmit words and messages with light, and at the same time they learned the basic principles of optical fiber communications.